O Dear, It's Clannad

I didn't know what to expect from Clannad I thought it was going to be one of those girly animes that I hate so much because it's always "Please love me!" and "Don't leave me!" or maybe that's just stuff I heard in my high school career? Who knows...
So I start watching the show and the very first thing I see is a dude? I'm like wth is this shit? ¿Dónde está mi Fan Service? The only reason I chose to watch it in the first place was because these high school animes usually have a tradition of doing alot of fanservice for no reason and there was no guy in the cover so there I was fan service less with some apathetic guy named Tomoya Okazaki, moping as he walks down a cherry blossom street. You can't really mope in Japan unless cherry blossoms are present. So during his long depressing walk he runs into a cute brunette girl talking to herself and approaches her I on the other hand would have walked past her and said "Freak" and the anime would have ended there with me. So there he is staring at her watching her monologue and fanserviceless and i'm thinking to myself could this be it? after 5 minutes of nothing but monologuing? My fan service is approaching! look theres the awkward situation all set up! Guy doing nothing! Girl not paying attention! all the guy has to do is trip as soon as she moves!

That didn't happen instead he say's something related to what she was talking about which was about the city or something I wasn't paying attention to what they were talking about! I was looking at other details. So he approches his friend Youhei Sunohara's dorm room and see's him getting his ass kicked by the whole Rugby team which I enjoyed :D. So after the scene of him getting his ass kicked Okazaki and Sunohara are talking in his room and Tomoya being an ass starts talking S^it through the walls to the Rugby players so that he could see his friend get his ass kicked again. After antagonizing his friend they get to school and some kid's on bikes come around looking for a fight who kinda of reminded me of the Bikers from the old Pokemon Games. Anyways this chick walks out to them to and tells them to leave and they're all like f%ck no and charge at her on bikes and she goes Bruce Lee on their asses and destroy them and i'm like WHOA that was pretty f&cking badass and like replayed it 3 more times to take it all in. Later on the show toke a twist for the weird and you hear like a little boys narrating about a little girl i'm like wtf? How did we go from a happy high school setting to a depressing little room? I know there was a metaphor in there somewhere but i'm not the kinda person who catches on to metaphors so easily. So after the whole weird scene Tomoya goes back to his house to find his dad passed out on the couch wait was the before? well anyways, I'm depressed at this point going "Ohhh this kid has it pretty bad". Tomoya just goes out late as hell at night to find that cherry blossom girl he had made friends with talking to him to him in a very weird eerie matter about granting a wish. At this point i'm just f%cking confused I don't know what direction this anime is going and I don't know what the future holds for it but from what I seen at this point i'm damn intrested