The series begins with a city set ablazed with two badass looking swordsman dueling it out and each are about to take the finishing blow causing a massive explosion like they just nuked the fucking place. After such a badass scene to start things off they give you the reason why the fuck those two swordsman were fighting. Apparently God decided to make a war for the Holy Grail with 7 people who are wizards and 7 servents. I thought this is BLASPHEMY! THIS IS MADNESS!
This is Anime!
*bangs head*
Why the hell would God decide to make a war for the holy grail using stuff such as wizards? Which is supposly blashpemist to bible throwers such as harry potter? I mean it didn't bother me but when I put it in a religious perspective I thought if God would ever do such a thing I want in i'll even start donating every sunday. Back on topic so these 7 wizards have to summon their servents in order to participate in this war and kill each other or kill each others servent in order to summon the holy grail.
The story follows this high school kid Shiro who managed to survive a huge fire that engulf his city being its only survivor when he was but a boy and was rescued by his soon to be adopted father Kiritsugu Emiya. Eventually Shiro soon learns that his father is a wizard and wanting to follow in his fathers footsteps he ask Kiritsugu to teach him magic but he proves to be talentless and the only type of sorcery he could do is tracing which gives him the ability to manipulate items to become a sword, reinforce objects, and the ability to become a tv repair man. With his one ability in sorcery he gets plunged into the Holy Grail war by somehow summoning his servent, Saber, an invisble sword(get to see her swords true form later on) wielding women and ask's "Are you my master?" .
The plot starts out pretty slow because Shiro is reluctant to call upon Saber when he is in trouble which could make up to be a good fight but he makes it pretty boring because he has this "I must protect you" cliche like Raki from Claymore he is always screaming "Saber!!!". Also I think Clare from Claymore looks alot like Saber or it's probaly just me I get this whole Clare aura, cold, but caring. As the story developed I start finding out that their servents aren't even biblical heroes but, heros from old legends things were starting to get out of context yet again. I thought Saber was Joan of Arc when I found out she wasn't I was like wth? Even fucking Hercules appeared wanting the Holy Grail for God who knows what?
Even though it was adsurd I still kept on watching it because the fighting was getting pretty epic. Saber vs a Samurai, fighting on skyscrapers, and Shirou getting f'd up it was getting good. The fight scenes were really slow paced or fast paced at time and everytime Saber yelled out Ex-Caliber! I got chills! What I liked alot about the fighting is each Servent had their special attack called Noble Phantasms all of them are were unique so you never saw the same Noble for each of them.
All in all this anime really is worth the watch if your looking for something that involves badassdery you'll be compelled by the story to the very end and to be honest I was getting a little sad that it was going to end because I grew attached to the whole Shirou, Saber comrades in arms deal and I didn't want it to end I wanted the story to keep gong on and on but that didn't happen. The ending was very sentimental and probaly one of the best endings I seen to an anime they really build up the drama to the bitter end leaving you wishing for more.